It all started when…
The Travelling Canvasses are rich in details which were well thought out and planned. The use of 18 canvasses represents the numerical value of Chai, life, in Judaism.
The asymmetrical, seemingly abnormal shape these canvasses create when standing close to one another represent the asymmetrical and abnormal childhood which these Survivors endured.
The artist, Sarena Biley Miller, together with the consent of the Survivors, sketched and re-sketched Jewish born Marc Chagall style paintings, depicting their life experiences.
Children hold a special place in the hearts of Holocaust Survivors as they represent hope and continuity for the future. As adults and children joined together to paint these canvasses, Chagall’s whimsical painting style seemed to be a perfect fit for our endeavor.
In these canvasses the Holocaust Survivors educate us through depictions of their very real experiences during the Holocaust and the years prior and post.
The colors are vibrant! Remarkably, after viewing these canvasses, one walks away with feelings of inspiration, respect for human dignity and pride. One remains hopeful at the thought that despite the atrocities that occurred, there is rebuilding of individuals and families. We also comprehend the Holocaust Survivors’ desire to contribute to society in so many productive ways. These canvasses depict the stories of heroes and heroines who survived and thrived by remembering their past and ultimately living for themselves as well as for those who unfortunately did not survive.